Return For Credit

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Please contact the distributor from whom you purchased the product to request a Return a Return for Credit
Please select one of the options below

A Return for Credit Defective Product - Return Eligibility Information
If a product is determined to be defective by Eyematic technical support staff, you can return the product to Eyematic for credit subject to the terms and conditions below. Return-for-credit requests must be submitted via the Eyematic web form. Eyematic "Return-for-Credit" Request Form (for Authorized Eyematic Distributor use only).

  1. Must be defective. New stock and "buyer's remorse" units are not eligible for return.
  2. Purchases must be made within the last thirty (30) days from a Eyematic Strategic distributor qualify.**
  3. Must be in the original carton and include all accessories
  4. Must not be physically damaged (see warranty exclusion section of the Eyematic warranty statement).

The enhanced program terms allow Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver STEP Partners to enjoy a "No Questions Asked" return privilege for the time periods listed below. Products that meet the eligibility periods below, and that meet requirements 3 & 4 above, qualify for return.
Diamond and Platinum STEP Partners: One hundred and twenty (120) days from the purchase date from the Eyematic distributor.
Gold STEP Partners: Ninety (90) days from the purchase date from the Eyematic distributor.
Silver STEP Partners: Sixty (60) days from the purchase date from the Eyematic distributor.

IMPORTANT! The STEP Partner name and Partner ID number must be included in the "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION" field of the Return for Credit request form. Otherwise the thirty (30) day eligibility period will be applied.

Note: Authorized STEP Partners are not eligible for the enhanced program. The standard 30 day defective return policy applies.

Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver Partner Five (5) Year Warranty Repair Eligibility*

1. In addition to the standard three (3) year warranty, Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver Partners are entitled to two (2) years of additional warranty coverage on all embedded network recorders and IP cameras purchased from a Eyematic Strategic Distributor on or after 3/1/2017.* All analog products, accessories and lenses are warrantied for three years.

Note:The extended warranty coverage does not apply to Hard Drives (HDD), PTZ motors or non-PoE WAVE appliances and workstations

2. To make a claim under the additional warranty period, repair requests must be submitted using the extended warranty repair request form below.

Note:Authorized STEP Partners are eligible for the standard three (3) year Eyematic warranty. Either of the Return for Credit request forms below can be used, but the three (3) warranty eligibility period will be applied

  • Launch the Diamond, Platinum, Gold and Silver STEP Partner repair form by clicking the link below.
    Repair Request Form - Extended Warranty

  • Launch the Authorized STEP Partner repair form by click the link below.
    Repair Request Form - Standard Warranty

  • View the warranty repair terms and conditions by clicking the link below.
    Repair Form Instructions and Repair Terms

  • View the warranty statement by clicking the link below.
    Eyematic Tech - Warranty Statement
Return for Credit Defective Product - Return Eligibility Information

If a product is determined to be defective by Eyematic technical support (T/S) staff and the unit was purchased from a Eyematic Strategic Distributor within the past thirty (30) days, the unit can be returned to the distributor for replacement.

Your distributor will be glad to assist you with eligibility validation and the return/replacement process. In the event that you did not purchase the product directly from a Eyematic Strategic Distributor, please contact your place of purchase and ask them to work with the Eyematic Distributor.

Important Note:The T/S staff will provide you with a call ticket number for reference. The call ticket number is not a Return Authorization. The ticket number simply confirms that you contacted the Technical Support staff. The Eyematic Strategic Distributor will determine eligibility for return based on the date of purchase and verification that the returned product meets the RETURN REQUIREMENTS listed below.

  1. Must be defective. New stock and "buyer's remorse" units are not eligible for return
  2. Purchased is within the thirty (30) day eligibility period.
  3. Must be in original carton and include all accessories.
  4. Has not not been physically damaged (see the warranty exclusion section of the Eyematic warranty statement).

Please fill below form to submit your product return request.

Customer \ Distributor Details :

Product Details:

Is Your Unit Under Warranty : *

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